For the Record i'm 26 years old and male

So I've always had a slight brian tumor fear. I remember two times distinctly. Once in college I was having night sweets and nightmares and also percieving that I was awake and stuck to my bed. However, I think my pot smoking and beer drinking and general college attitude got that away.

Two years ago I started to get dizzy and tingling. Went to the doctors and it turned out to be an ear infection.

Now that I'm engaged and happily in love with a great girl it seems like Health Anxiety is saying to me: "This is too good to be true"

Anyways here is my Brain tumor story:

I don't have one (I don't think). But I think I do. You guys understand that I'm sure


Tingling sometimes

Twitching when I pay attention (nothing major)

Head "Pain" (not headaches) more like tension like someone is pressing their finger on the top of my head. Literraly the pain is from a spot here and there the size of a finger. Its not severe it lasts a few moments but scares me

Eye Issues: this is what really scares me. I am aware of floaters as well as seeing white blood cells. Since Brian tumors seem to be headaches WITH a symptom such as loss of sight/smell taste. I am focusing on the things that accompany the headaches. Lately I've been super aware of everything in my vision. It's funny though because If I don't pay attention to my vision everything is pretty normal. Its when I think about it that it becomes scary.

I've notcied floaters, moving blood cells, and black dots that seemingly are in my peripheral vision but then are gone when I go to look for them.

Of course none of these are the "Curtains" or Missing Peripheral vision but still they scare me.

Also, I have a sinus infection that has caused aches/pains in between my eyes and in my eyes when I move them.

I've noticed myself stumbling a bit more. But thats the thing. I haven't fallen over I just think I notice it more. When I jog or play sports I'm nimble like a cat GRRR. Also my house is tiny and requires turning corners alot.

Now I'm onto smelling things; Now I don't really think I'm smelling smoke or burning but because I heard thats a symptom I'm all about Sniffing the air for burning. When i do smell something it seems to be one of those "Is that burning? Maybe it is let me try again. Hmm not sure. Let me try again". I have noticed that my sense of smell is more aware right now and I'm smelling everything. Maybe because of the clearing up of sinus and the anxiety.

Unfortuantely all of this is adding up to a: What if I have a brian tumor.

I don't have: Headaches; Naseua, Vision Power Problems (I'm at least 20/20 probably better when I'm anxious!), Dizziness, Fatigue, Paralises, or major muscle tremors.

So why can't I get it off my brain! My Blood Test came back all normal and my doctor said "if you had cancer something would be off here." And then I went back for the sinus infection and said "can you check my eyes for pressure or problems." He did a check on my eyes and said "everything looks perfectly fine." I asked "If I had a tumor I'd know it correct" And he said "Many people with brian tumors have severe headaches in the morning or in the night and nasuea or vomitting"

Anyways why can't I believe them? I want an MRI but then again I don't as I know it will just reinforce my fears. My GF (Who works in the medical field) and my parents and my doctors are not worried. I think if I went in for an MRI they'd be like WTF you are wasting time / money. Plus I know the 2 weeks of anxiety are not worth it at all. I get married in under 2 months and I'm fearful that the added stress of an MRI will not only make me worse but also make it so that in two weeks I come up with another ailment.

Anyways! I've made a list of what my pains/symptoms are more likely to be at my age/physical well being:

Head pain: Stress/tension/TMJ/Sinus's (I have all of them I know that)
Eye Problems: Anxiety as I don't notice them when I dont' focus on them. Floaters
Twitching: Gone away mostly (Anxiety, stress, eye strain)
Eye Pain: Minor so probably sinus's/eye strain (8 hours of computer usage)
Stumbling: Me noticing every little bit of my gait lately. Tired legs from lots of exercise.

Anyways I wish I could just convince myself once and for all that I don't have a brain tumor without going in for an MRI. :(

Anyways vent over hopefully this helps someone and someone could help me