Its me again, sorry about this.

About 3 years ago I had a MRI becuase I was experiencing some tingling, strange feelings down my left side.

When the MRI came back it was not normal had had two white sports on it. I was freaked out but the neurologist said was cholestrol spots and nothing to worry about, apparantly it was in the wrong place for anything to worry about!

I am now wondering/worring that they maybe something wrong with me as I have the floaters/looking throught rain vision and the tremor in my left hand.
I know I have been to the doctors and they have explained these symptoms but what it!

I could have MS or Brain Tumor or something.

I have not googled which is a first for me as I thought I would come on here first.

Why oh why can I not rest.

I hope you understand. I think I should change my name to worried for a change.