Hello, I've posted on here several times lately desperately seeking advice and been very grateful of the responses i've received. My situation was worsening and I had been stressing in a big way as a result of my over-reactions in certain situations. I was coming home crying and lost half a stone in 4wks. I was having panic attacks through 60mg of beta-blockers. In desperation, i went back to the docs today. He's now given me Efexor and is looking into CBT for me. I'm hoping this will stop my negative thoughts which kick off the blushing, hyper-ventilating, shaking etc.

What i was wondering, can you drink "any" alcohol. I know it says not to but its often when you don't have a drink that ppl start asking awkward questions especially around xmas. I've told friends etc. about my problem but do not want to mention it to work colleagues for fear of appearing weak -espeically as its not an environment that suits anxious people like me!!

Also, has anyone had any side effects. i took a citalopram and my lips swelled, and i kept geting involuntary movements and scratching. I'm yet to take my first efexor, but want to know what i have ahead of me.

Will I be able to function okay in the next few weeks without ppl noticing any jitteryness?