Hi all,

I just wanted to write a quick not about my experience quitting Lexapro cold turkey. I was always looking for info about this when I was on it, so I thought I'd share mine. I was only on 5 mg to begin with so maybe that's why my experience went pretty well.

After 1 day off Lexapro, I started feeling dizzy and "off".

The 2nd-5th days were awful. The head zaps were relenetless. Every time I turned my head the slightest, my brain would zap and I'd get disoriented for a second or two. I was also very dizzy. Felt like someone was squeezing my brain like a sponge. A little nauseas too.

By the 5th-6th day I started improving. Way less head zaps.

By day 8 or 9, I was only getting the occasional head zap and no more dizziness.

I would say by 2-3 weeks off, I had no more symptoms and couldn't even tell I had been on the drug.

Overall, it really wasn't that bad for me. There was a period of 4 days that were hard, but nothing that I couldn't get through again if I had to. I was still able to stick with my normal routine during those days. I wouldn't hesitate to take Lexapro again if need be.

Just wanted to share that it's not always a horrible, months long process to quit like you read on the internet.

Good luck to all.