Hi all..

This is the first time I have ever really spoken up about my "phobia", and accepted that I actually have it, so you'll have to excuse me if it doesn't make much sense!

Well, I am 16 years old, and have suffered with my fear of sick from the age of about 9 (at a guess). I don't think it's a very severe case of Emetophobia, as I have read about much worse, and I have no idea what started it off exactly, but I am pretty sure that I have it. I don't really remember how I used to deal with it, or if my way of coping with it has got better or worse, but I can tell you about it at present. Maybe you can relate to it in some ways?

I would say, on average, I feel sick every day at some point. Usually, after I have had a large meal of some kind, and almost always at night, (I think this might have something to do with the fact that during my life I have never actually been sick during the day time). My nausea is almost always just anxiety attacks, and even though I am aware of this, I still seem to suffer from them.
I'm not sure if anyone else has seemingly pointless anxiety attacks about it?

During these attacks, I have difficulty breathing, I tremble uncontrollably, and sometimes I get a strange tingly sensation, usually in the tips of my fingers, but this depends on the severity of the attack. I haven't actually been sick now for almost 5 years, but I get these anxiety attacks at least every other day.

I also cannot cope with other people being sick around me. In the past, this has stopped me from going out to parties and/or clubs with friends, for fear of people being drunkenly sick in front of me. I also refuse to be around anyone who has any type of sickness bug. I am always extremely careful whenever I order food from a takeaway or restraunt, usually just sticking to favourite haunts. When I go on holiday, I will very rarely eat chicken or even any meat at all.

When I was younger, I vaguely remember going to see a psycologist, but I'm not sure it did much good.

I suppose the point of this thread was just to see if others out there are suffering from similar side effects of being an Emetophobe, and to get to know people with this type of phobia.

I hope some people found it helpful and/or interesting to read, and if anyone has any tips it would be very much appreciated as I'm at a bit of a loss for what to do!

Hannah xxx