Hello to you all

Having visited this site on and off over tha last few months I realised that I am having anxiety, panic attacks and seem to be permanently frightened.... over nothing.
I am a single mum of two great daughters 18 and 14 who understand to a point and support as much as they can; but how can you expect someone to understand this seemingly meaningless 'paranoia'?? I feel for them.
At first I thought it was just the stresses and strains of motherhood, credit crunch (when hasn't it crunched I say), full time work etc. but having read things on here I realise I haven't got a digestive problem... my stomach flips (for sometimes days at a time) for something going on in my head. I am SOOOO glad I have found somewhere where I can go and you guys will understand. Isn't it hard to try and show you are okay to people when you are crying/screaming inside?? I hope that this will help me get better because I haven't always been like this and I want the old me back.
I am realising ...slowly, slowly. I know now I aren't fixed after reading something once and it will take time. No quick fix.
I am taking St Johns Wort (have been for last 3 months so should start kicking in soon), Vit B complex and Magnesium every day and always have Bachs Rescue Remedy in my bag.
Worst thing I find is on an evening and night... if there is any external noise I think someones going to hurt me - my heart flips, I get a funny feeling in the pit of my tummy and I have to shut the 'noise' out by sleeping with earplugs in !! how sad is that? I really need to be rid of this fear of noise.
So in a nutshell thats me - funny, nice, sensible and a complete fraud... people at work, friends think I'm so in control - they have no idea. Thanks for reading. oh ..... and....... helppp!!