Hi there, my name is louise i am 20 years old and i suffer from bad anxiety and depression, it only started in april this year and over the months it has controlled me and made me think i have constantly got something wrong with me!!

I lead a happy life before april i didnt give a damn and nothing ever used to worry me until i found a cyst down below, id never had one before and i didnt give it a second thought until a week later when it was still there, so one evening silly me went searching through google and came up with all these illnesses.. i looked at vaginal cancer and diagnosed myself with this i started panking, feeling hot.. fast heart beat thinking i was going to die, so my mum took me to a walk in centre and she checked it told me it was "skin cyst" it reassured me that evening until the next day i started again with all these anxiety symptoms so i went to my main GP and dropped my pants ( i would never normally do that) but i got myself in a right state, he also said it was a skin cyst but when i left the surgery i still wasnt reassured and i had panic attacks, crying sessions, so my mum took me back to my GP and he said i was suffering from bad anxiety so he put me on Amitripyline this medician seemed to help and the skin cyst evetually went!! i'm still on amityipyline.

Its now july and i've suffered from a bad viral infection, its made me feel light headed and gave me bad ear ache... but i keep thinking i have a brain tumour! my GP has put me on ear drops and they seem to be working, i've started to feel depressed, and my anxiety has rushed back to me, i cant get to sleep and i wake up early thinking the worse. I went back to my GP today and he told me i am suffering from Depression has i dont feel bothered about life, i havent been eating. I am going back tomorrow as i had to fill out a form and hes putting me on antidepressents. I cant but look up illnesses on the internet and i always diagnose with something, even if i have a bruise on my arm and i even worry about my periods being something else.

I hate feeling like this and just want to get back to my old self

can somebody tell me if light headedness has anything to do with anxiety my GP told me it has.

Sorry for going on but i thought id share my story, i think this website is amazing.

good luck every one :-)

Louise x