hi i had a root canal done on a tooth a few weeks ago which didnt work and i ended up getting a bad abscess which i had to be referred to hospital to have 3 teeth out and the abscess surgically drained well i thought things were healing nicely till a few days ago when i had a feeling that my throat was closing like i was wearing something tight around my neck so i went back to the hospital i had to have a camera inserted into my nose to look into my throat and i got told everything was fine and theres no swelling and they sent me home these couple of days i have been still feeling the same thing and getting really panicky over it and my hearts been really racing and a butterfly feeling in my stomach like a bad nervous feeling and bad ectopic heartbeats i admit now that i do suffer from panic attacks and ectopic beats but im wondering wether the stress off the surgery has done this to me before the op i had to have something in my throat to open my osophagos for a breathing tube i dont have a sore throat just this feeling like my throat is closing please help someone im really worried about it thank you