Hi All
First the bad news - husband got out of the car to go into PC World to pick up some software (only mention this because had the shop been M&S or Debenhams I would have gone in!). He forgot I was still in the car and locked me in. As soon as I heard the doors lock I started to wave to him but he was already off across the car park. I have not been too good in the car of late - and you guessed it -I started to panic. What's more the car alarm went off twice and husband deep in the software section of PC world didn't hear it. I had a full blown attack complete with burning arms/neck and even my heart rate managed to go up a bit despite my betablockers. Now for the good news - after the car alarm stopped going off I was able to put Dr Claire Weekes Face/accept/float/let time pass, into effect and got it under control before husband returned.... Still he felt so guilty he cooked the tea.
Take Care Everyone
Veronica H