Hi all

Dont know if anyone can help but at the moment I am at rock bottom i have been to Gp and he has prescribed prozac and now I am in a dilema as I dare not take them. I have sat for 3 days panicking about taking them and am at the point where i have split a 20mg capsule to see how it goes and I cannot take that. I have completely freaked myself out over this and have blown it all out of proportion.

I just want my life back and be able to do things that normal people do and as the GP said how are you going to do that without treatment. I have tried counselling before but as I do not have a specific problem I did not find it very useful. I am tired of the obsessive thoughts and living in my head.

I cannot seem to get going. I have been signed off from work and I thought that the rest would do me good but I just seem to have stopped you would think that about 20 people lived in my house at the moment due to the state of it.

Does anyone have any good experiences of prozac at all please.

many thanks
