Hey Everyone,
I was at work two weeks ago, when I had a series of symptoms and was taken to hospital. After telling the doctor all the symptoms he told me I had had a panic attack. I went back to work and the next day it happened again.
I went to see my GP who got me to fill out a depression questionnaire. He then told me I had depression and that my panic attacks were the result of it. He prescribed me Citalopram and signed me off work for 2weeks.
So my question is... Can you have depression without even knowing it. My supposed panic attack came from no where for no reason and I have never thought I was depressed. Is it normal to prescribe an anti depressant just on the back of a questionnaire? Its made me look into my life and actually made me feel depressed just knowing I have depression.. if that makes any sense!!
Thanks for your help
Kezzy xx