I was just reading last week's posts on d/p because I've never understood what this meant, and I started to think, "so maybe that's what this is!"

For me, it's a case of feeling like an out of body experience - like I am hearing myself talk to other people as if I'm not the one talking (maybe that's what has made me so focused on my speech disturbances lately). Does anyone else relate to this?

I was encouraged by Meg's story about going to work and nobody noticing, because to me it seems like I am totally out of it when I get like this - but nobody seems to notice (or maybe I've always acted out of it, so it's nothing new to them! LOL).

Anyway, it's horrible - I feel like I'm going senile and it's a bit early for that. I had a bad day today - I started off really well, even telling my husband how much better things were getting after a rough weekend and somehow it all spun out of control. Afterwards, I'm left wondering how the heck this happened to me.