I have been having an anxiety 'blip' for a few months now and its wearing me down. I have been trying to fight it but I feel my anxiety has taken over my thoughts totally, I can't seem to stop worrying about every ache and pain, worrying I will get meningitis or septicemia all the time because I have had a virus for 5-6 weeks now and can't shake it off embaressing to admit that but they are my fears.

I saw my GP 2 weeks ago and told him how low i was so he said to wait a few weeks but see him again if no better. He knows my history and is a good listener. I poured all my thoughts out to him and he tried to help.

Today I woke up with a sore stabbing ear pain and still snotty and coughing, GP told me if the virus continued to come back and it seems to be still there with avengance so I need to go back I guess. My hubby has booked me in for later because he is worried about me worrying, bless him.

I kind of want to ask for antidepressants but I don't feel depressed as such, last time I was on them I was really snappy, moody etc... but I had lost a baby so was in a bad way and they did help. I just don't see how they will stop me worrying or will they?? I really can't see that they would stop my fears about illness or stop me checking myself etc...

My hubby and I want another child at some point aswell (not right now) but would being on medication prevent me from trying again?

Lots of things going around in my head, I feel so upset. The receptionists speak to me like s**t everytime I ring or call in. Last time I rung they were nice as pie until she knew it was me then she was really rude gets me down. I went there 2 weeks ago to see my GP about how low my mood was and my virus and he was very nice, that was an emergency on a wednesday so it should be him again later but I am worried what he will think of me for going on one of his emergency appointments. When I rung the reception he couldn't see me until next week

I don't want to fall into the trap of being on medication, is it the right thing for anxiety? I had a self help book for anxiety but the library needed it back and wouldn't let me extend it and CBT is taking forever to come through. I have 3 young children so need to get over this, will I ever though?