hey everyone,
after my gushing post yesterday about my holiday, i can feel myself plummeting again. meg mentioned something to me in an earlier post about the last 10% of the recovery period being the hardest and it's so true for me. i haven't had a panic attack for about a month now, but i have almost constant low level anxiety and i can't shift it. it's making me dread going to sleep, a problem i haven't had since my panic was at its worse, and i'm starting to feel dizzy again towards the end of the day.
there are things happening in my life right now that i know are contributing (i'm quitting my job at the end of the week, got another driving test coming up, going to greece for a cousin's wedding soon where i'll have to see my aunt who i am close to and who is losing a battle with cancer). but the thing is, there are always going to be things happening in life - will the last 10% of the recovery process go on for ever?
if anyone has any advice on how to jump that final hurdle, i'd be really grateful. thanks for reading,
henri x