Hi there.

When I swallow, and then relax my throat, I can feel a lump on one side that I can 'push' with my fingers inwards behind my adam's apple. The actual movement is a 'pop' if you will, where the lump moves to the centre again.

Now usually I wouldn't worry about such a thing, but being a Testicular Cancer patient (caught it real early, no sign of spread, currently on surveillence), the damn thing really likes its lymph nodes so you can understand my concern!

Both my girlfriend and her brother have confirmed (over the phone) that they can also get the same feeling, but being an anxiety sufferer, I tend to think they are just trying to put me at ease! Not sure if its a part of my normal anatomy or something more sinister! I've been looking at diagrams but its like a spagetti junction in that area!

Is this somehow connected to the 'lump in the throat' sensation you get when sad/anxious?

Probably going out of my mind,