I had an infection in my lower right wisdom tooth about 3 weeks ago. Went to dentist who gave me antibiotics. They didn't seem to make much difference. So I went back and she said that there wasn't another antibiotic she could give me, and it didn't look too bad anyway, but I should have it out given that it kept "grumbling" / feeling sore / uncomfortable.

So I agreed, and 2 days ago went back to have it out under a local anaesthetic, which should have been straightforward because it isn't impacted or anything, and the roots arn't funky according to x rays, I think that's what she said!

The problem was that the local anaesthetic didn't work...my tongue went numb after 3 injections, all of which caused me a lot of pain, and that was it. Despite having a nice dental nurse and dentist, after injection no.3 I was traumatized and screaming (sorry, I know, wimp but it hurt SO MUCH, despite numbing gel..)..I went into shock, or halfshock, and had to sit down for 30 mins, oh the shame.

Anyway, so my dentist said I was brave to try and have them out under local anyway, and most folk go straight to hospital for IV. So she referred me for that, as I'm a student it'll have to be NHS, so 2 months time.

but but but

a) if it gets infected between now and then, what the heck am I meant to do if she won't give me antibiotics? And why wouldn't she anyway..I've only ever tried one, but I get the impression I'll get no more? So what if it gets infected again?? It's semisore in daily basis but not full blown, feels like a dormant volcano

b) if the local anaesthetic didn't seem to work on me, then why would it just because I was IV sedated? Would it be better because a hospital would have more time/resources etc and I'd be calmer? But what if I'm in a calm state but it just doesn't work anyway, and it's just painful still??


It's continually semisore, doesn't seem to be much point going back to dentist after she said the above^, what do I do, go to Dr? what if no antibiotics work and i get really ill?