hi all,i had my last 20mg tablet last a week last wednesday and for the last 5 days i have felt all the withdraweral symptoms, from crying, anger to hopless ness,,i cant concentrate,cant read a book, its like my consentration as gone,even listenin to a conversation is hard,and i,m like a dragon to everyone,and up until now all i,v done is cry on and off for the last week,i can see from a lot of the posts that this is all happening to others, but i cant cop with it right now,i,m going away in 2 weeks with my hubby and our youngest, and i have found it really hard to think about packing,etc,i have to force myself to move off the sofa, and none of this has been like me in the last year, i have been so active, so this morning i decided to take a tablet again,and just by making the decision i have felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders,i know its not the answer,but i need to wait until after christmas i think to try and wean myself (a lot slower) off them again,BUt my question is, will it still be present in my body, will it kick back in quicker than when i started them a yr ago?its been about 10 days, if it is out of my systom how long will it take to have effect again?
thanks all x