Hi Everyone

I wanted to ask some advice on upping the doze.

For 12 days I took 10mgs of Citalopram (size effects were pretty rough - very hightened anxiety / nausea / shaking and various other things), I was just beginning to think that maybe the side effects would start to go soon and my Dr put me upto 20mgs, this is day 7 of being on 20mgs. I've had a few side effects since increasing the doze (upset tummy / spaced out) but today the hightened anxiety has really kicked in again.
I'm feeling like I'm in hell today - one of my most awful side effects is stomach problems / difficulty swallowing / pain between the shoulder blades - and today I'm way off the deep end with it all again (cancer of the oesophagus .....), was at the Dr last night to get results of blood tests that were done last week - and everything came back normal - but that really hasn't done much to reassure me today.

Would it be normal for the heightened anxiety to kick in again after being on 20mgs for 7 days ?
I had kind of hoped that the side effects I started with on 10mgs would be my worst !!

Many thanks for reading and any adice would be greatly appreciated.