Hi All - First post

Came across this site a few months ago and found it really useful to check that others out there have some similar (harmless) symptoms as me and that I am not going mad.

I have suffered with health anxiety for the past year - two previous bouts of A Fib due to heavy drinking (last on in February). I am not an alcoholic but just went too far on a night out etc and had a bad reaction. In fact I have been off the booze for 6 weeks now (to help anxiety).

I have been for all cardio tests (holter monitor, ECG, Echo) and all came back fine. BP was high over the past month but coming down nicely now and am taking a small dose of meds.

I have suffered from palps in the past and have inderal/emcor tabs to take when needed. Last night I was anxious going to bed and slept ok but was fairly broken. Woke up this morning with HR at over 90bpm and it would not go down (resting HR is 60bpm). Did some meditation this morning and this brought it down slightly to 80bpm. Eventually took some Emcor this afternoon and now it is 66bpm lying in bed.

Is this normal for people with anxiety to get these swings in resting HR? I have been anxious over the w/end and light headed also. I just finished some Augmentin for a sinus infection too and not sure if they were making me more anxious.

Any thoughts would be welcome - Thanks.