There is one thing that has my anxiety kicking in when I have been fine.

There was a time when the odd palpitation had me convinced I was about to drop dead, or a mere headache was a precurser to a swift and impending end.

For the most part, these health fears are behind me now, almost overcome save for the odd day.

I run my own modest little business and when me and my crew come across a project where a certain part requires specialist input, I acquire the services of sub-contractors.

I have an issue that may have caused a problem at a clients premises through the workmanship of an appointed sub-contractor ( I won't bore you with the details) and potentially, worst case it could cost someone a lot of money to sort (and more importantly reputation).

That is worst case, and I am pretty sure deep down that this issue will be minor and easily rectified.

My point though is the anxiety that comes with this lack of control I have over this situation. I can't do much about this now, infact this will probably not get resolved until the end of the week but I can't seem to relax and accept there is no more to do until then.

Can I put it to the back of my mind? No. I am constantly drifting into what if's? and worst case, which is all contributing to my head spinning, tight chest, and lack of sleep.

It has brought it to light that I am not as far down the anxiety free path as I thought I was, and I am frustrated that I can't put this to the back of my mind until it can be dealt with.

What's more, I know that once this is dealt with, there will be another issue, then another that will always send me into a thinking frenzy.

Not quite sure what I am expecting by getting this down but I just wish I could put problems in a little hole until it was the right time to resolve them.