Started with choking for no reason about 3 times a day - like you swallowed wrong way. Then I noticed that when I tried to swallow bit of a sandwich it got stuck at back of throat and choked me and needed a mouthrul of water to get it down. If I didn't I had to swallow loads and could feel it sore quite a bit down. I also got a bit of a runny nose and tickly cough and it irritates to talk and my throat feels very dry all the time. I have alot fo catarrh going down back of nose into throat all the time. Nothing major cold/cough wise but I've got something.

My husband says my throat is probably inflamed from whatever virus is gving me the rest but I am in a blind panic thinking throat/oesophagus tumour.

I am wanting to rush to my Dr tomorrow yet again as the food sticking is just getting worse and worse. I am okay with things like fuit and salad stuff but even drinks feel like they are drying out my throat and making me want to cough.

What do you all think please.