HI there,

I have been on cipralex 10mg for 5 years nonstop due to my panic disorder. I am in a better place now, and want to try for a baby and so over the last 4 weeks have been reducing my dosage by 2.5mg per week.

I took my last half tablet on Saturday night and so haven't taken anyting for 4 days now. As I started to reduce the meds I did notice this brain zap sensation, which made it hard for me to focus especially when driving. It also spread to my ears does ayone else get this? Anyway yesterday the brain zaps were coming every few minutes and made my day very uncomfortable and stressful - I was in tears and found it hard to be at work.

My question is, should I ride out these zaps, and how long are they supposed to last? Am off work today because I couldn't sleep (another symptom) amd can't handle working with these brain sensations.

Thank you xx