Are there others that suffer from high anxiety or who at least have anxiety long term and suffer from these awful symptoms; achey legs, neck, shoulders, backs of legs and stiffness, with nausea, belching, balance problems and internal/external shakes? If you have these symptoms, are they long term? Mine have felt like this for two years and more. I thought I had m.s, but after a clinical check up and an mri told that it was all negative. The neurologist put it down to anxiety. What I really want to know is this; can anxiety symptoms persist 24/7 ? or am I barking up the wrong tree. My symptoms persist with thoughts patterns that I cannot break and therefore I feel ill with these symptoms. Does anyone else experience similiar things?
I have been diagnosed as a hypochondriac with undifferentiated somatoform disorder(check prevous thread), and that basically means I appear to have a physical problem but on diagnoses there is nothing wrong. I would appreciate any other peoples thoughts.
