I'm currently on Incapacity Benefit (been 7 months now) and just started claiming Income Support.

My predicament is this:
I suffer bad depression (I resigned my last job in part due to stress/breakdown & why I'm still signed off work) and am on meds, but I feel my depression is not helped by being out of work. My GP has told me to not even think about going back to work in my state. I really want to get off the meds & get back into work, but I'm worried that if I start a job & come off benefits, and then I find I can't cope with the job and have to leave, it will screw my benefit claim up.

What I wondered about is doing some temp work, going back to work gradually, starting with one day per week, then maybe building up to 2 days a week, etc.

My question is:
Does anyone know how working, for example, one day per week, would affect my Incapacity Benefit or Income Support?