I know this is probably in the wrong area, but im currently working to over come my anxeity and was reading a book that talked in one chapter about the effect of cortisol on your body-which explains A LOT.

Basically, to sum it up quickly, everytime you have a stress reactions (feel stressed, adreniline rush, panick attack, feeling anxious, flight flee response, etc) your body secretes cortisol ( a hormone). I know personally, that i get these anxious stressed feelings a million times every day, so my body is secreting too much cortisol-and this has potentialy fatal effects on the body. So basicalyl, too much cortisol equals feeling like crap both mentall and physically.

The Consequences of High Cortisol
Too much cortisol causes: Abdominal obesity High blood sugar (“adrenal diabetes”) muscle wasting Bone loss Immune shutdown Brain (hippocampus) atrophy Poor wound healing Thin wrinkled skin Fluid retention Hypertension
Excessive cortisol frequently causes increased: Fatigue/decreased energy Irritability Impaired memory Depressed mood, decreased libido, hormone imbalences, Insomnia anxiety Impaired concentration, fears and phobias Crying Restlessness Social withdrawal Feelings of hopelessness, depersonalization, derealization.

Chronically high cortisol may contribute to many diseases, including cancer, ulcers, heart attacks, diabetes, infections, alcoholism, strokes, skin diseases, psychosis, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, and possibly Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease . High Cortisol may contribute to obesity not only because of the metabolic disruptions (including insulin resistance) that it promotes, but also because it induces “stress overeating,” especially in women. It weakens your immune system and makes you more suseptible to getting sick.

Ways to Reduce High Cortisol:
1. Use cortisol reducing supplement: There are a variety of herbs to reduce cortisol at peak times. Some of my favorites include: Seriphos, and Calm-PRT.
2. Eat at regular intervals throughout the day: Avoid skipping meals, as this will create a cortisol release.
3. Excessive carbohydrate intake creates cortisol release in response to constantly elevated insulin levels. Eat complex carbohydrates instead.
4. Utilize stress reduction techniques at peak cortisol times: meditation, self-hypnosis, or simply lying on the floor doing belly breathing for 10-15 minutes can work wonders at reducing stress and thus cortisol levels.
5. Get to bed on time. Get at least 8 hours of sleep nightly.
6. Avoid stimulants: Stay away from energy drinks that contain ephedra-like compounds and caffeine. Stimulants shift the body into sympathetic dominance, or "fight or flight". Stimulants can also disrupt your sleeping patterns. If you must drink coffee, be sure that you do not drink any after 12 noon.
7. Keep your workouts under 1 hour: At the 1 hour mark, your testosterone levels begin to decline and cortisol levels rise. Forty-five minute workouts are even better.

I'm not trying to scare anyone into making them think they have too high cortisol levels and their gonna die, i just want people to be aware that cortisol is inevitable in stress reactions, and is the cause of mant unhappy and unpleasent physical and mental effects our body feels when stressesd and after the stress, too.

So, less stress=less cortisol=less physicall and mental symtoms!=happier person!

Have a GREAT day
