As if I don't find enough things to worry about, my wife has finally decided to see the doctor to check out a cough that she's had for over a year. She's already got MS and I keep begging her to take better care of herself, if not for her own sake then for our two young kids, but I might as well talk to the wall. She's never been a smoker and she's not coughing up blood but she has this repetitive cough which, as far as I can remember, has developed since she gave up her previous job and took on several cleaning jobs to make up the income. There's a history of asthma and chronic allergies in her family so I'm hoping that breathing in too much dust etc might be causing the problem, or maybe it's animal hair, as some of the houses she works in have pets, while we never have. Nevertheless, the nasty little man who lives in my head and generally makes my life not worth living is shouting lung cancer at the top of his voice. Naturally I've pressed the panic button and my own life is on hold once again whilst I contemplate the worst case scenario, namely two little kids left without a mother, and with a useless father.

I'm really tired of being me and frankly I wish I'd never been born