Hi there.

On occasion (lets say 2 nights a week for the last 3 months) I wake up from my sleep and my little finger and the one next to it are completely numb. If I shake my hands for a bit they come back to life, without pins and needles. Its almost exclusively the left hand that does this, although recently I woke up and both hands had the same thing (left one was worse). Once I woke up and my entire left hand was numb, and whilst it largerly returned to normal in a few seconds, the two 'problem' fingers remained a bit off all day.

I'm just wondering if anybody else has this? I've read one or two accounts of it on these forums, but I'm just wondering if its anxiety influenced/common or not. Two doctors have assured me its nothing serious, especially sinister brain problems as don't present themselves in this way. Sleeping on a nerve is their conclusion. Perhaps all this tension in my shoulders/neck/entire body makes it easier to 'trap' a nerve or something?

Anyhow, just wondering. Any help would be great!