Hi all!

I only discoverd this little miracle bottle a week ago but since then,,,aswell as using other methods such as change of diet and ive started acupuncture and downloaded mood gym! but i feel rescue remedie is my saviour!

Not only do i think it does work in working with your body to help more positive thinking etc but its also a bit like my little comfort blanket as work because every time i get a little inkling of anxiety or a panic attack i have another 4 drops of it and i think it has really helped me! It seems since i have been taking this when a panic attack comes on i find it more easy to stay calm and distract my mind from the panic attack itself,

I was having several panic attacks a day and constant axiety,,,ocd (intrusive thoughts) the improvement is huge! I havent had a panic attack in 4 days! which is really really good for me!
