i'm usually quite a positive person especially since been suicidally depressed and ill and recovered. i have had a flu like illness with a hight temperature and aching limbs. Now I'm left with a hacking cough which keeps me and everyone else awake at night. I resorted to sleeping pills so at least I get some sleep now but alas I cough in my sleep. I have had to cancel various singing concerts that I would have been in. I can't sing which is a disaster for me. I can whistle and hum but the singing is out. that and feeling completely lacking in energy and strength. I am trying to remain positive as this wont last forever and I have climbed greater mountains. When I was palnning for Christmas I didn't plan for illness and depression. I also have headaches and feel as if I canot breathe when I have a coughing fit. thnaks for letting me rant and thankyou all for your continuing support. Jane