Hi Guys, i am yet to have a smear test done as i am under 25 and havent got a letter from the doctor yet. I am 21. I have scared myself silly that i might have it as before i got pregnant i bled heavily for 21 days doc gave me tablets and said it was a hormone imbalence, I was under some stress at the time but this has happened twice once when i was about 15 as well. Anyway i was refered to a gyne and when the appointment finally came through everything was fine so he decided to leave it be and i havent had any further problems. Now since i have had HA i am petrified that the bleeding i have had is cancer and it was just dimissed. I also have been reading that you should have a smear test every 3 years after becoming sexually Active which again i havent. Also i hate to admit this but 2 years ( nearly 3 ) off my current partner i caught Genital warts which is a strain of HPV and this def causes cervical cancer. This was a very mild attack and we have both been checked for everything else and are fine, doc even said that my age and my health i would probably cure the HPV but i cant help but worry. I have not had any signs of having the virus back since ( touch wood)

I have decided to pay for a smear test once the baby is born but i am petrified that it will say i have cancer, i am that scared i almost dont want to have it done. I have been trying to rationalise my fears over HIV but this cervical cancer fear is bringing it all back :(