To cut a long story short I was on citalopram for depression and extreme anxiety last march - november last year and had horrible side effects for the first 2 weeks (no sleep/couldn't eat/dark thoughts/anxiety all time high at first). However I stuck with them and they seriously took me out of a dark hole and 'fixed me'. I came off them over 2 months and suffered zero side effects, not a single thing!. I'm not supposed to drink, my doctor has even said as it makes me so incredible anxious the next day. Well on St. Stephens night I decided to drink 2 bottles of white wine to myself and the next day the panic/anxiety/depression kicked back in and I was like that for over a week. I went back on citalopram 20mg and yesterday was my first day. I was scared of the side effects as I knew what it was like from last year. Yesterday after I took the tablet these were my side-effects - spacey and looked drugged - for anyone who has ever taken an ecstacy tablet, it was like this without the good parts! Very tired also. A bit anxious and jittery. But this time I was actually able to eat all my meals and I slept from 3am-7am and then from 7.15-10.30 so I was delighted with that and shocked! At least I have my appetite and a bit of sleep as when you are anxious you need your sleep! So so far so good, I'm hopeful that these will work and when I come off them next time, - NO MORE ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!! I will post back tomorrow to give a diary again xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx