Hi. I havent been on here for a while....

...a year ago my world fell apart when my anxiety returned after 7 years of being well. I was put on strong anti-d's and diazepam after many many months of GAD and panic attacks i seemed to be getting back to my old self.

I felt well again for 4 months....

I had a wonderful christmas and really felt like 'me' again. Then 2 weeks ago all the horrible feelings of anxiety came back, a constant feeling of fear there all the time, this occured for no reason i could think of..... after 5 days i impoved and had an okay week, and then again this week on sunday it started up again, and i am back there now panic, fear and depression..... - again for no reason, why has this happened? Why has after all this time of working so hard to get better has this occured again? I have lost all confidence in myself again, and i also feel i have no where to turn as even my psychiatrist had discharged me saying they felt i no longer needed their services anymore as i was better.....

I need some advice, has anyone been here before?

Ive been pretending even to myself this isnt happening as admiting it makes it real, but ive come to the point now that im having to as im feeling so desperately sad and dissapointed and very very confused, i cant get my head straight about this..... Ive admitted it to my partner and he has taken it badly - very worried and anxious that i should seek help immediately, but i keep thinking "if i can just ignore it it will go away....maybe it just a blip?"

Please ANYONE help me? I feel increasingly desperate and i know people on here do understand.

Thanks so much for reading all this if you have.
Hugs Popsy x x x x x