Do other people with Social Anxiety feel guilty about how it can affect their children lives? My 5 year old daughter breaks up today for the school holidays. It is something I have been dreading for weeks. At least at school she can mix with other children. I do take her out, I live opposite Blaise Castle Estate in Bristol and anybody who has been there knows how lovely it is but it is never the same as playing with children that you know and have built close friendships with.
I can remember people say that they have made so many friends through their children but I can't say that I have. To be honest I think people think that I am a bit snobby and that I think I am better than them but they would be so wrong. I have never been able to just walk up to a group of mums and just start talking, I just feel that I am butting in and who do I think I am just coming up and barging in to the conversation. I also feel that I don't have anything to say that others would be intrested in. So I find myself just sitting in my car until the school bell rings. I have got out of the car a few times and have gone to wait but I just stood there and nobody spoke and that is what put me off. That's how it makes me feel. I know that I haven't got two heads and that I don't smell but I just feel so different. Does any body else feel the same and if so how do they deal with it, how do you overcome this? I have felt like this all through this school year and now that the school is breaking up it notices even more because I don't have that oh can I have your phone number and we can get together so our children can play together over the holidays.
It is really making me feel down, and I am crying as I type this. I feel so alone. You can PM me if you are unable to write anything here

A Very Sad Claire :(