How have things been today Tanya? Ive had a stinker of a weekend and an awful day today. IM not sure if its the citalopram or not, but imhardly getting any sleep-about 3 hours a night-and i just cant functiononit. Now im starting to dread the evenings as im so sure i shant sleep again and its too much to face. My husband has gone to India now for a month too so im on my own wth my children-who are also poorly. Im not sure how on earth i will manage.

The CBT booklet sounds good, im starting to work from one with my councellor but cant remember who it is by. I can get over the agoraphobia bit most of the time but struggle with the inward thinking and analysing how i feel every minute etc and how bad the panic is at each moment. I feel pretty useless with it at the minute as its so controlling. Although i know the key is to control it, i just dont know how yet. This has to be the toughest thing i have ever dealt with in my life.