Firstly let me say what a fantastic site this is. When I start feeling overwhelmed, I read some of the posts I realise that maybe (just maybe ! ) I am not going crazy after all.
A symptom I have and would love to hear from others who do, is that I have constant pins and needles\tingling\zapping sensations in my hand\feets\arms\legs. They come and go in different places and sometimes linger on in the same place for a couple of days - the scary thing is that it happens all the time\every day (has been occuring for the last 2 months). It only stops when I am walking, however as soon as I sit or lie down - they start up again. I also have constant neck and upper back pain that gets worse as the day progresses - I don't know if it is related to the pins and needles or if they are all symptoms of anxiety. Am currently on 25mg on endep at night.