I'm writing this post on behalf of Joy who is a great friend of mine. She feels I write better posts than her - I would disagree but here goes. As many replies as possible if you would all accommodate..... Pleasexx

Joy is like me, has had every anti depressant known to psychiatrists. She has never been the same since she came off Seroxat some four years ago (same as me).

After trying all the anti depressants, plus trying a mood stabiliser and an anti psychotic (Risperidone) she still hasn't made a good recovery from her high anxiety levels. She uses lorazepam to help the anxiety but even this is no miracle worker. She does not abuse lorazepam and is definitely not addicted to it.

I have never known a woman who is as brave as Joy - she undertakes a lot of work for her church and will go out to meetings etc feeling chronic anxiety. She just suffers the pain and gets on with it. She also works in a charity shop one morning a week, again, a lot of the time she goes despite her anxiety.

Joy recently came off Risperidone because it was giving her awful nightmares and it wasn't helping her anxiety. Obviously she was on a very low dosage which is used for anxiety conditions.

She did see an NHS psychiatrist who she didn't find very helpful and not at all sympathetic. He referred her to a cbt specialist in his team who turned out to be completely useless. I know this because she tells me everything and I was quite shocked at this particular therapist and the way she treated Joy.

What worries me is that in the last four years Joy's anxiety levels have not decreased as they should have. However, she has had some good weeks on and off and even managed to go abroad last year. I say should have because no one on earth could face the fear like she has and as for exposure therapy - well she never gives up.

Joy still gets the disgusting soul destroying morning anxiety which in my opinion should have lessened by now.

She is back on Seroxat because it was her last hope. Others we both know eventually went back on the medication and have done pretty well. Sadly it hasn't done a thing for Joy's anxiety.

Joy has seen a private psychiatrist recently who has recommended talking therapy with an excellent psychologist. I think this will help her a lot. The psychiatrist told Joy she is suffering depression which shocked her a bit because she has always felt that although she has high anxiety levels she didn't considered herself to be depressed.

The psychiatrist has given Joy a very low dosage of Olanzepine - another anti psychotic - in an effort to alleviate the anxiety. She is finding it no use whatsoever - in fact the anxiety is a bit more severe. Anyone taking Olanzepine please comment if you would.

With Joy, the anxiety is not connected to a future event, she can feel it all day long for no apparent reason. She has a good life and a wonderful husband and two lovely grown up children.

Joy has been a truly wonderful friend and support to me and I although I suffer badly myself - particularly with low mood I don't get these high anxiety levels which she does. I have suffered chronic anxiety in the past as many others have and I know it's hell on earth. I just want to help her in any way I can. Sadly we live a long way away from each other. If I could get to her I would but it isn't possible.

I would be grateful please for comments and support and advice. I hope that TETLEY will reply to this post (I'm a big fan of the tea holic).

Thanks everyone.

My love to all xxxx