Just want some advice please ladies. I'm 44 and have suffered from anxiety and agoraphobia for the last 22 years since I had my son. I've never really had loads of problems with my periods except a headache just before I came on and maybe just a slight rise in anxiety but nothing major and my periods were always very regular. For the past few months i've started experiencing quite severe anxiety mid cycle and then just before I come on my anxiety goes through the roof. I'm also finding that i'm only going about 25/27 days between periods. Other symptoms i've noticed are very dry skin, aching in my shoulders and sometimes a tight chest. Has anyone else experienced any of these symptoms coming up to the start of the menopause? I'm getting really worried about it and i've also had a real lot of stress in my life as I have 2 grandchildren on the way and i'm moving premises with my job which for an agoraphobic are massive. If anyone could offer me any reassurance i'd be really grateful.

Thabks again

Ju x