It's been about a month now since I saw some kind of a TV show on pacreatic cancer - yes, I should've turned it OFF that very moment. But I didn't. That very night, I woke up in the middle of the night thinking I had it, because I could feel some pain under my ribs. Then I added up my recent fatigue (probalby just from wokring very hard these days - college + full time job) and I was sure. Ever since then, this has been haunting me. The pain seem to get worse or if they do go, they come back. I had a period of about two weeks when I felt OK, full of energy, happy with a healthy appetite (probably because I was omong ppl all the time, the semester started, etc). As i was sitting at one professor's study this morning, the secretary came to him and announced that another professor died from...you guessed it. At that moment it all came back - I am freaking out. I have unspecific pains under my ribs, in the upper abdomen and on my sides, sometimes in the back. They're ntohing that would keep me from the daily biz or anything, but I know they're there - maybe because I focus on them. You know, I'll be 25 soon, healthy weight, I don't smoke, I drink only rarely and there's no history of cancer in my family, but none of that reasoning helps - I just sit and stare into the wall thinking gosh, this is it...I have a normal appetite, but I feel full and bloated afterwards. Its true that eatin a bit helps the pains. But my stomach still feels like on water. I listen for every sound my stomach makes, keep feeling it if it's different that normal, etc...I am SO scared. I have a history of HA, so I guess it's jsut in my head, but it just seems so REAL. But I know I really feel the symptoms when I think of them. Like for several months I thought I had breast cancer (after readin an article about a girl my age having it) - my breasts were really giving me trouble, they hurt like hell and when I finally got them checked by a doc )all fine), the pains miraculously disappeared...So I reason, reason and reason and it's good for nothing, nothing, nothing. :-( What do you think - should I worry? I'd tell my Dad who's a doc to get me an apt for a sono check up or I could ask my GP, but I'm scared they'd laugh at me and I'm even more scared they'd actually FIND something. Please HELP!