As my subject title says, I am going through an absolutely horrible time right now. I have been sick for almost 4 months. I have had a sinus infection that just will not go away. I was on 4 courses of antibiotics, and each time it would get better, then come back. My doctor put me on a really strong antibiotic called Levaquin... and while it seemed to help the sinuses, I had a horrible reaction to it... terrible headaches, racing heart, weird thoughts... just totally out of it. I explained this to my doctor who told me I should stop with the levaquin... Of course... here I am now feeling the pressure in my sinuses yet again. I only took 3 doses of the levaquin. The doctor is at his wits end doesnt know what to do for me. I am just feeling so horrible. Physically and mentally. I dont know what to do. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. Antibiotics either dont help or cause horrible side effects, but the sinus infection is very uncomfortable, causing head pain, and dizzyness... and I am also scared of the infection getting really bad and going to my lungs or even my brain. I am just doing terrible right now... Sorry this is so long... and thank you so much to anyone who has taken the time to read this. I really need help.