Hi all, Im taking 10mg of propranolol as and when i feel very anxious. They seem to be helping me alot. I have been going out alot more and have been feeling really good and confident this week. The problem is that when i went to pick my little boy up from school today i automaticaly took a tab half an hour before i went (as this is what i have been doing when feeling anxious before taking and picking up my son from school). The thing is i wasnt feeling anxious at the time and dont think that i should of taken one. Walking into the school i felt very nauseous and dizzyand quite strange not what i normally feel when im very anxious. My husband said that its probably because at the point that i took the tab my heart wouldnt of been racing with anxiety. And so would make me feel dizzy and that. Has any one done the same thing as me and felt the same. I am now feeling anxious because of what happened. I was having such a good day before this and im now worrying about tomorrow.