Alright, so... Most of you probally know who I am.

I'm that 19 year old kid who is obsessed with every new sensation i get in my body and I worry about it until I would get a chemical imbalance in my brain.

Lately, the new problem that was the starting problem is the brain tumor scare.

I was hospitalized early January due to a "scare" if you would.
I got a weird pressure/pain to the right of my head and my right side went numb.
I told my parents and they rushed me to the hospital thinking it was a stroke or a possible brain tumor.
They took a CT scan and it came out with no problems.
Ever since then I have no been the same.

Next was Leukemia, because I was ALWAYS tired.
I demanded a blood test and the only thing they found was UTI.
I got over that quickly and moved on...

Till I got constipated.
Automatically I googled because I was just.. terrified.
My mind started going in circles.. "stomach cancer.. colon cancer... ovary cancer..."
I spent even more money by going to a gastro intestinal doctor.
He said it was 99.9 percent Irritable Bowel Sydrome because of my anxiety of my health, the hosptial scare... full time college courses, and a back breaking job.. That kinda put my mind at ease until he said to raise it to 100% i woudl need a colonoscopy.
All last week I was drained, thinking omg what if... I'm to young for this.. all of this other crap..

Till a few days ago, I just didn't know where I was or who I was..
Almost like a brain fog.
I lost so much weight from being nervous and not eating (constipation and IBS as well)..
I haven't been sleeping right..

And I just have these weird sensatoins and blank mind.
So now I think I have a brain tumor..
Everything I remember from google is like there.
Like I focus on it so much that I forget how to swallow or eat
because my nerves and muscles are so tight.

I clench my teeth, and I have a tendancy of cracking my jaw too to where i think the alignment is getting messed up.

I need some way out to stop thinking about all this herendous stuff before I do give my self a chemical inbalance in the brain.

Any ideas?