Hi I am a newbie here so I hope i make sense.
About six months ago I had a random panic attack for no apparent reason when out eating a meal with work colleagues. I went to the doctors and was given betablockers as a short term thing and it was suggested it was down to having given up smoking a couple of days previous.
However the feeling of nervousnous and panic was still there after a couple of weeks so i went back to the docs and he prescribed me with Citalopram 10mg. At the time I was thinking I'm a 23year old lad why is this happening am I too young for this? I didnt take the meds for a while trying to beat it myself but eventually I felt so bad I thought why not try it theres no other options. I took them for a couple of days but was frightened of the side effects, how can I go to work and get into a selling conversation with customers when i feel like this??
I kept off for a couple of months and then my anxiety did ease off. But the last couple of months has just been feeling ok for a couple of weeks then having a few more days of panic. I just want to be panic free again. I also feel so tired I don't want to get out of bed and everything seems so bright outside, but whats even more strange is its never as bad at night, in fact sometimes it completey goes. My partner doesent understand it. I have a young child and want to enjoy her growing up not panicking all the time. We go on holiday every year but this year im dreading going in case im away and I start panicking there will no one around to help as partner would have to look after my child.. Please Help!! Should I start taking citalopram now for a longer period? Please Help!!! I'm at my wits end!