The real truth is that SEROXAT is one of the most dangerous legal mind bending medications on the market today.

Paxil(also known as seroxat in Europe and Aropax in Australia) is a dangerous , mind altering drug .
An anti-depressant of the SSRI class
In some cases it can cause Suicide and Homicide
Originally manufactured for the treatment of depression.
It is now licenced for many disorders , from Post-traumatic stress to Panic attacks.
There is damning evidence that it is an ineffective drug in the treatment of any condition

Some Paxil/Seroxat Facts

A World Health Organization report which ranked antidepressants in order of withdrawal problems found Seroxat was the hardest to come off.

The family of David Snell won a $6.4m payout from manufacturers GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) after Mr Snell was found to have murdered three members of his family, and himself, after taking the drug for just two days.

Dec. 9, 2004 — New documents uncovered by ABC News suggest GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of the popular antidepressant Paxil, failed to disclose important information about the possibility of an increased risk of suicidal behavior in some children taking the drug, as well as serious withdrawal symptoms when some patients stop taking Paxil.

The new documents obtained by the ABC News program "Primetime Live" have never before been made public. Earlier this year, the Food and Drug Administration ordered manufacturers to place a warning in bold print on antidepressants, alerting consumers that the drugs can cause suicidal tendencies in children and teenagers.

Source: Office of New York State Attorney General
Published: August 27, 2004: GlaxoSmithKline last week agreed to pay $2.5 million to settle charges from the New York Attorneys General's office that it had concealed information about the safety and effectiveness of Paxil in treating children and adolescents with depression.

As part of the agreement, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will become the first major drug manufacturer to publicly disclose information on clinical studies of its drugs, New York Attorneys General's office said in a statement.

"This settlement holds GSK to a new standard of disclosure about studies concerning its drugs, a standard that helps to ensure that doctors and patients have access to all scientifically sound information so doctors can prescribe appropriate medication for their patients," Spitzer said. "By agreeing to release both positive and negative studies about the safety and efficacy of its drugs, GSK has set an example for the entire pharmaceutical industry."

The Attorney General sued GSK in June alleging that the company withheld negative information about Paxil, a drug used to treat depression. Specifically, GSK conducted at least five studies on the use of Paxil in children and adolescents but only released one of these studies, which showed mixed results on efficacy, Spitzer said. The lawsuit alleged that the company suppressed the negative results of the other studies, which failed to demonstrate that Paxil is effective and which suggested a possible increased risk of suicidal thinking and acts in certain individuals. The suit further alleged that GSK failed to disclose this information in "Medical Information Letters" that it sent to physicians.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Maker of antidepressant drugs faces $250m lawsuit from New York Attorney General: the drugs cause adolescents to commit suicide, says claim
Antidepressant drug maker GlaxoSmithKline is facing legal charges that its drug (Seroxat) is dangerous and causes adolescents to commit suicide. The charges come from New York state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer who also claims the company hid the results of drug trials that proved the drugs were dangerous. Similar charges may be filed soon in the UK, where a patient support group for users of the GSK drug says that the drug causes people to become aggressive or suicidal. All this is being reported in The Independent from the UK.