Hi Meg,
I have been taking Magnesium (400mg a day is the dosage) for months now and to be honest have not really seen an improvement. I have now switched to Osteocare which combines Magnesium and Calcium. I also take Vitamin B Complex from Holland and Barrett, which should help my anxiety and again have been taking this for months too, but I am still plagued by these missing beats. As I have said previously, for me at least they seem to be worse when my hormones are at work, from day 25-26 of a cycle until day 15-19 of the next cycle. I don't know if this is just coincidence.
Also, in a previous post you asked me about how long I had tried yoga for. (I did reply to you with a private message, but I don't think you have received it) I tried it for a few sessions, but found I couldn't 'do the breathing' properly i.e. as you are raising your arm breathe in deeply :- if I had already taken a breath I was doing a double breath! Don't know if that makes sense to you a bit hard to describe but I couldn't combine the two. I know I do not take enough time out for relaxation methods and I know my lifestyle is busy and stressful, but I do let the missed beats cause me unnecessary anxiety because they do, for some stupid reason, terrify me! It does not seem logical that I can have them for days/weeks on end and they are not doing my heart any harm. From what I can gather from everyone else who has them, they appear to be less dangerous than palpitations, which thankfully, I don't get so often. When I have had episodes of these I could literally feel that my heart was out of rhythm but I panicked and made it much worse. Touch wood, this hasn't happened for months now but I still have to put up with the ectopic heartbeat. I have given up on my doctor, but my nurse is sympathetic but adamant that I do not need any medication.
Sorry to have gone - Again! I would just be grateful for any advice.
Take care,