Hi everyone,

I really need to get myself a job. i am not really skilled , apart from being a mum for 13 years. I have picked up a lot of skills and qualities during this time. We reall y need the money but i am looking into volunteering at the moment as it has less pressure and i can ease myself in slowly. I am thinking of volunteering with the charity Mind and have made an approach via email.
I was told to leave my number and someone will get back and arrange an informal meeting.
Well, heres my problem. I am so scared of going through with this. eveytime i think about i get sick to the stomach and my heart races and i go so red. I am not used to doing anything on my own or going anywhere. I usually only cope with things if i have my husband with me. Sometimes i fool myself that i am ok, but when i try to push myself a little further the fear grips me like a vice and becomes overwhelming. I so want to be independant and contribute to my family and society but when it comes to the crunch, i cannot.
I have lived a safe life at home as a housewife and mother for so long i dont know how to get out of it. I feel so guilty and useless. I am nearly 40 and have achieved nothing much in my life. I thought i would be a mum to a small child forever but he is growing up and i feel redundant.

Does anyone feel the same or have any advice. Feeling really low and despondant at the moment.

Thankyou for listening,
