first of all,wot is it? if you have children,then its the time,you can set aside each day,to spend one 2 one time with them,with,hopefully no distractions,times they will remember,later in life,and cherish,as happy times.

but wot about us,wot quality time,do we give ourselves...when i was a kiddie,i remember,my grandparents,and uncles ,and older cousins,spending there leisure time,walking,bike riding,listening to gospel music,sitting around the kitchen table talking,sitting late into the nite,in front of a log fire,telling each others stories,eating fresh fruit,and veg that they grew themselves.

wot about today,what do we do with our quality time...we repair,or try to repair things,that have broken,usually without much sucess,we drive our car to the shops,a ten minute walk away,we put on the television,and hardly speak to each other all nite,we dont talk so much on the phone,cos its easier to send an email..we dont have large gardens,so we cant grow our veg..everything comes in a packet or tin,or is delivered by a man,in a crash helmet.

so how do you spend quality time? is it helping your condition?
or should we go back to the old days,and start to enjoy life.

best wishes..bryan.