Hey guys.
after to suffering from 4 weeks of anxiety/panick attacks and de-realization i felt i was starting to get agrophobia to. So now everyday for the last 5 days ive been going on walks and extending it. just came back from a 15 min walk round my village.

Thing i still dont know if im agrophobic and thought if you guys could tell me your symptoms when you get outside it would help me decide if i am or not. Because im suffering with de-realization i cant tell if its that or not. It feels really unpleaseant when im walking and i do get panicy but its all because the world feels so disorientated and not straight edged anymore .I find it hard to go out because i feel so dissorientated and dizzy and like everythings so surreal? but im not scared to go out, i actually in a weird way look forward to it and seeing how much further i can get everyday.

im just soo confused at the moment tho :(