I'm not sure where this post should go really. I seem to have developed an obsession with my teeth to the point where I'm getting really depressed and anxious about it and I feel like its driving me mad :(
I have a wonderful dentist but he is impossible to get to see, due to my mental health problems I was refered ages ago the community dentist.
I've always been worried about my teeth but for years was terrified of going until I was referred to him. A few months ago he put a compostie bond over my two front teeth as the enamel was wearing thin. Ever since then I have become obsessed. I cant stop looking in the mirror for any problems, god knows how many times a day i look. I brush my teeth several times throughout the day. Everyday I look in different mirrors, in different light at different angles and of course I generally find that there is something different, something I havent noticed before and I end up having a panic atttack :(
During the last week I have noticed that an area of my front teeth looks fairly grey and a little transparent which sent me into a frenzied panic, then yesterday I discovered a little white area on my tooth that wasnt there before. I ended up having a major panic attack and then phoned every professional whose care I have been under but everyone was out of their office or on holiday. In the end I phoned my best friend who phoned the dentist for me and has got me an appointment with a different community dentist.
I'm really worried as its not my usual dentist and I will have to explain my mental problems yet again and then I have written a list with at least 7 things to do with my teeth that I'm worried about.
Basically what this boils down to is I have an overwhelming fear that something terrible will happen to my front teeth, that they will go horrible looking and they will be like that for the rest of my life.
I'm driving myself mad, I have already looked at my teeth at least 10 times this morning and brushed them twice. I desperately want to stop worrying about it. i know most people worry about their teeth but with me its an obsession to the point where I have suicidal thoughts when I think about the problems I can see with them :(
Help! how can I stop this obsession?
