I have a fear of choking,like a lot of people do, and I avoid certain foods, like fish, due to the bones. I find I can be eating and then experience a feeling in the back of my throat which makes me think I have something stuck in it. I start to then feel like I am going to gag and have to go and make myself be sick and then usually after that I am fine. This has been going on for about a year and a half, on and off. I dont make myself be sick very often - its just sometimes. I had to do this last night, because I really thought I had something in my throat. It really feels like I have something trapped, however I am not sure if it is anxiety just making me feel the sensation.The citalopram that I am taking is not helping with this problem although it has helped with a lot of my anxiety.
Has anyone else had to make themselves sick to get rid of the choking feeling? or I am just 'odd'?