I wasn't sure where to post this and I guess it is a success story at last so putting it here.

Quick background for those that don't know. I have Crohn's disease and had a bad flare-up in September 2008 and spent 8 weeks in hospital. Also had a heart attack at the same time just to add to the complications! I have not been in work since September 08.

I had several abcesses on my bowel and had a drain put in my abdomen that was constantly draining pus from the abcesses.

I have been very unwell and in terrible pain for most of the last 7 months and back in March they wanted to operate and give me a stoma bag but I went for a second opinion and returned to my original Crohn's consultant. He said I didn't need an op and put me on some new Crohn's medication and 6 weeks on antibiotics.

Well it looks like the Crohn's has calmed down a lot. The drain has stopped running (2 weeks now) and I have no pains in my abdomen. So he thinks the new drugs are working well and I will stay on them for a few more weeks/months yet. I am coming off the antibiotics tomorrow and they will keep an eye on my bloods to make sure nothing flares up again.

One marker they use for Crohn's is called the CRP and back in September my CRP was 343 (normal range is 0-6!!!). Last week's blood tests showed the CRP was down to just 2.

The main problem I have now is arthiritis and this is making all my joints painful and it can be as a result of the Crohn's disease. I haven't slept properly for months now as the pain is ten times worse at night. I am stopping my statins to see if this is causing the problem and they will do more blood tests to see if they can find out if it is arthiritis and what can be done about it.

I am just about able to eat what I like now - just have to watch the fruit and veg intake and limit that but generally I am on the mend and can tolerate most foods again.

It has been what I can only describe as a horrendous 7 months with so much pain and at times despair but I have stayed strong and positive and made it through.

I lost a friend to cancer 2 weeks ago (he had Crohn's disease) as well and have his funeral this coming Saturday and that is going to be hard but I know I have to go and say my Goodbyes to him.

People have been so kind to me with emails and PM's and even flowers, gifts and cards and I want to thank everyone that has been with me through the past 7 months. I also want to thank the admin and moderator team as I left them running NMP alone for the first 3 or 4 months when I was really poorly or in hospital.

I think my life is slowly getting back on track and I should soon be able to start the rehabilitation for the heart attack which is long overdue but put on hold until the Crohn's was sorted.

I wouldn't wish Crohn's on anyone but happy to answer any questions about it or support anyone that does have it.

Thanks all I will stop rambling now.